Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What's happening in 2014

Almost a month into this new year and so much is happening.  First things first - the Lowry's are MOVING!!  No, not farther away, but actually closer....MUCH CLOSER to our family at Westminster Presbyterian.  We are moving in March 1st to the Adobe house at the top of the property.  Our family is very excited and nervous all at the same time.  Moving is always laborious and it was just over a year ago we made the move from Ramona here to Escondido.  This move though is going to really benefit our family as well as our church family.  Living at the Adobe will lower our overall budget month to month so this allows my fundraising goal to be full time Russia church planter to be less and more quickly attainable!  Please pray that God will grant me the strength of moving as well as the physical and financial needs we will need to make this all happen.

Another change taking place is that I've been filling in for our janitor over the last two months (she's out with a torn rotator cuff).  This has been nice because it's helped meet our immediate financial need during my slow time for logistics however, it's kept me from talking with people about the ministry taking place in Russia (as well as updating this blog as some of you may have noticed).  God took care of our immediate need for winter finances but I've missed sharing about Russia with everyone.  Please pray that God gives me insight and wisdom on how to manage both of these things.  I want to help contribute to our immediate need but I also know that to be able to do the one thing I'm passionate about, I need to make the time to tell others so they can partner with me on God's work in Russia.

2014 - this is the year my oldest son is graduating High School.  I've known this has been coming for awhile but now we are are critical decision moments for what he's going to do afterwards.  As some of you know, he's been gifted musically.  God has given him the ability to pick up any instrument and play it (the kid taught himself piano!)  With this in mind, he feels God is calling him into that area of ministry.  His first thought was college with a degree in music.  But he wants it to be specifically with worship though, not just a general music degree.  Then our thoughts went to a ministry type internship here locally in San Marcos.  As this isn't totally off the table yet, another thought and passion is now entering into this decision process.  Hillsong Leadership College.  Here's a link to this amazing program: http://hillsongcollege.com

If you know my son, you can see that this program is perfect for what he's feeling God's calling him to do.  Because you have to be 18 to enter, he wouldn't be going in until January 2015.  This would allow him to work and save up for this VERY EXPENSIVE (but amazing) program.  However, the cost is greater than what he could save up in 1 year.  Please pray that we hear God clearly with this decision and if it is God calling him here, that he would provide all that's needed.

Thank you all for reading and praying for our family.  With Gods strength and wisdom I know 2014 will be an amazing, memorable year.

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