Thursday, September 19, 2013

Today is the day!! Donor bridge donation matching

We went live today for donations. We noticed though the "other" drop down menu isn't there like we thought. You now have to put my name and staff number (Franny Lowry #624) in the "notes" section. Please pass this along to everyone you know. Thanks!

Here's the direct link:

Hoping to get fully funded today. Please continue to ask The Lord about partnering with me monthly as well or maybe even going with me on a trip. :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tomorrow is the day!! North Texas Giving Day September 19th

Please read below explaining why tomorrow is so special.  I have been blessed to be accepted as one of the leaders to serve with e3 Partners.  However, I am still raising monthly support so that I can focus here full time.  There's still a large deficit and I can't proceed forward into full time ministry until it's met.  This day will double all donations and further me towards this goal.  It also allows you the opportunity to partner with me in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.  Please read below for instructions.  Thank you all so much! :)

Nothing is more strategic than providing the mission support and infrastructure necessary to keep all of the vital ministries of e3 Partners advancing. From core evangelism and church planting, to strategic initiatives such as preventing human trafficking, providing medical teams, or facilitating community transformation - all require building capacity

We can't do that without your help and your gifts to e3. 

Please maximize your giving and help build our ministry capacity to grow by making a special gift on September 19th, from 7am to midnight(Central). Your special gift will be multiplied by a match from a $1.5 million matching fund. Go to on September 19th, find the e3 Partners page, and select any e3 Partners initiative or even an e3 staff person you may support - You would put my name Franny Lowry in the "other" drop down as well as my staff number #624.

Because of your gift, lives around the world will be changed through e3 Expeditions, I am Second, EvangeCubes, and other e3 strategic outreach tools, training and teams. 

Monday, September 9, 2013


As many of you know, I'm still working on raising support to be full time in missions.  The organization I'm with has an amazing opportunity coming up on September 19th.  

Each year e3 Partners participates in the Communities Foundation of Texas “North Texas Giving Day” campaign (they’re based in Texas).  What this means is each gift of $25 (the minimum is $25) is multiplied by sharing in a match from a $1,500,000 matching fund provided by North Texas foundation, for over 600 North Texas non-profits.

Ok, so what does this mean exactly for me.  Well on this day, when you click on the link I’ll provide below, every $25 you give, this organization will match it!  So all funds are doubled on this day.  And what’s great is this year, they are allowing you to designate to a fund within the organization.  So, when you click on the link, you look for e3 Partners, then select “other” and put my name (Franny Lowry) and support number #624

Here’s the link you’ll need:

You will need to go through the link above on September 19th from 7am to midnight (CST) and then it’ll take you to the e3 Partners webpage to make sure they get the information they need to be able to match all donations.

Thank you all so much for your support thus far.  I’m praying September 19th is just the jump I need to be able to get going in full time missions.  Let me know if you have any questions.