Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wow, it's almost 2014!

So with this, I look back at 2013 and see that God has moved in so many amazing ways.  I have a blessings book that I keep record of all the ways God comes through in amazing, unexpected ways.  Speaking of unexpected ways, the missions organization I work with (e3 Partners/I Am Second) is launching our "Jesus in Unexpected Places" campaign.

A few weeks ago we launched our newest film on I Am Second of the Robertson family.  You may know them from Duck Dynasty on the A&E network.  It's a great film about family, faith and ducks. :)  I have for the past year watched this show and laughed my head off with my family.  They profess Christ as their Savior and don't hide it at all on this show.  However, you don't realize where they have come from to get to this point.  We had a Robertson film launch party a few weeks ago at our church.  It was a great eye opener to our youth in the sense of a public family on a reality TV show that didn't always have it together.  And that it was Christ that got them to the place of functional disfunction that we view on TV every week.  If you haven't watched it yet, please click HERE to view this amazing film.

Because of the HUGE publicity I Am Second received from this film, they started the campaign I mentioned earlier.  This page is You click HERE to see what this is all about.  Pure Charity has partnered with e3 Partners/I Am Second to be able to heighten awareness of the need to spread the gospel to all nations.

As some of you know, I feel called specifically to Russia.  To be able to do this full time I need a team, a partnership made up of people  I know it may feel overwhelming but there is a HUGE need in Russia (and all over) for the hope that only Jesus brings.  In Russia, there are 140 people groups.  Out of that, 76 groups are considered UNREACHED.  This means that they have never heard the truth that Jesus brings for eternal live.  This means they live without the hope and purpose for life.  When things get tough, they have no one to turn to because they've never been told. It's heartbreaking and for a moment, it can feel like it's too big of a task but, nothing is impossible with God.  As the saying goes, how do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.  Our goal is to reach one group each time we go as well as equipping the nationals that live there to reach as many as they can.

How do you fit in?  Well, please check out the link above on the Pure Charity page and that will help some.  But more than that, I would love to sit down and share with you all that's happening in Russia and the different ways you can partner with me.  $3600 a month is what's needed for me to raise to be full time.  It sounds like a lot but when broken down, it's achievable.  I would love all of you to partner with me to see the Russian people be set free with the truth of Christ.  They need hope - the hope only Christ can give.

This is a team effort and as the saying goes, many hands make light work.  It's such a blessing to be used by the Lord.  Why He choses to use me, a cracked, broken vessel I will never know...but I'm glad He does - And He will gladly use you as well.  Just ask Him how. :)

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